Tag Archives: Ranulf Flambard


Robert Curthose, Duke of Normandy

August 2nd 1101

Until recently war seemed a real possibility in the unharvested fields around Alton. Two armies were facing off after weeks of manoeuvring. We have followed the progress of Duke Robert of Normandy’s invasion of England since July when he landed with an armed force at Portsmouth harbour and challenged his brother, Henry, to a showdown. Since then the country has been poised for the outbreak of war, everyone braced for the worst, every day tension and fear showing in people’s faces as news of battle was hourly expected. 

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TOWER BREAK OUT – Daring Midnight Escape

Ranulf Flambard’s escape from the Tower

February 2nd 1101 AD

Disgraced ex-minister, Ranulf Flambard, long-time henchman of the late King William Rufus, (killed by an arrow last August in a hunting accident), broke out of the notorious Thameside Tower on the night of Candelmas and disappeared without trace. Imprisoned by the present king for a string of offences including withholding payments to the church, appropriating lands, intimidation and amassing a private fortune at the expense of the public treasury, he strenuously denied all charges, claiming to have been ‘made a scapegoat.’

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