Tag Archives: Lanfranc

ANSELM BECOMES ARCHBISHOP – Reluctant Primate Appointed to See of Canterbury

The seal of Anselm of Canterbury

1093 AD

After a four year vacancy the see of Canterbury is to have a new incumbent whose appointment has come about in the most unusual circumstances. Sixty year old Anselm, Italian monk and Abbot of Bec, has reluctantly, after a long and stormy relationship with King William Rufus, taken on the role as Primate of England. The conferment and acceptance come about in the most bizarre circumstances which some court sources are calling a ‘black comedy.’ 

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COMMEMORATIVE ARTWORK COMMISSIONED – Prestige Art Project Shrouded in Mystery

Saint Augustine’s Abbey, where the project is to be undertaken

1070 AD

Some secrecy surrounds the commissioning of an artwork to commemorate the events leading up to the Battle of Hastings in the autumn of 1066. Although news about it has leaked out, no-one has come forward to claim artistic involvement or financial investment in the project.

What seems clear is that the unknown commissioner is someone with huge resources and a great deal of personal energy.  “It takes a strong motive to drive forward such a massive project less than five years after the event, “ said one commentator. “Somebody wants to control the story rather badly.”  

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