Tag Archives: court

ROBERT OF MEULAN DIES AT 70 – Last of the Hastings Giants

June 5th 1118

The death has been announced of one of the most prominent men of the last half century. Soldier, diplomat, adviser and royal confidant, Robert of Meulan was an indispensable member of the court for nearly fifty years, the last survivor of the generation of heroes who conquered at Hastings and made England the kingdom it is today.

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ANSELM BECOMES ARCHBISHOP – Reluctant Primate Appointed to See of Canterbury

The seal of Anselm of Canterbury

1093 AD

After a four year vacancy the see of Canterbury is to have a new incumbent whose appointment has come about in the most unusual circumstances. Sixty year old Anselm, Italian monk and Abbot of Bec, has reluctantly, after a long and stormy relationship with King William Rufus, taken on the role as Primate of England. The conferment and acceptance come about in the most bizarre circumstances which some court sources are calling a ‘black comedy.’ 

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